Sunday, April 3, 2011

Elderly Man faints at Library

Photo By: Christi Nini
An elderly man lost conscious at the University Library at noon on March 25, Police and Fire transported him to Long Beach Memorial Hospital, according to the University Police log.

The man was attending the George Deukmejian speech and lunch-in. The gentleman was said to be climbing the stairs behind the circulation desk in the library lobby leading to the robotic book storage system called ORCA. He fainted once he reached the top of the stairs to ORCA.

Others attending the lunch-in were able to watch on the T.V. inside of Starbucks as Police and Fire checked him out.

"He looked just fine walking up the stairs; he didn’t look like he was struggling at all. It's scary how something like that can just happen to someone." said Brea Boyd.

The lunch-in continued in the lobby of the library as the man was wheeled out on a gurney and oxygen mask.

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